SpitbiteArt Blog
These Daily Compositions from May 23 2023 are 3 views that caught my eye all on the same Tuesday evening as I headed home. I painted all three digitally on the computer using Adobe Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq graphics…
Video – Painting of man swimming underwater, May 2019
This painting of a man swimming underwater is a Daily Composition sketch from May 30, 2019. It’s set in the pool in London where I used to swim regularly. He was another regular there who I spoke with often but…
Video – me painting on iPad, London September 2023
This video of an iPad painting in London is from a surprise trip I took there at the end of September 2023. The YouTube link to watch the Procreate video is at the bottom of the page. Rather than being…
Video – colouring a storyboard drawing
This video below is me colouring a storyboard drawing from an old job. Working under job conditions means I stopped drawing when the deadline stopped. Sometimes I like to revisit old drawings like this and tune them up a bit,…
Daily Composition painting, Girl on train, January 2016
This is an example of a Daily Composition painting, in actual paint, as opposed to a more usual pen or pencil sketch. I used to commute daily to the centre of London and this image had stuck in my mind…