Category: Painting
Daily Composition May 23, 2023, three views.
These Daily Compositions from May 23 2023 are 3 views that caught my eye all on the same Tuesday evening as I headed home. I painted all three digitally on the computer using Adobe Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq graphics tablet. I’m not usually quick enough with the camera to capture everything I see that…
Video – Painting of man swimming underwater, May 2019
This painting of a man swimming underwater is a Daily Composition sketch from May 30, 2019. It’s set in the pool in London where I used to swim regularly. He was another regular there who I spoke with often but never caught his name. He was from Liverpool or thereabouts and was a very good…
Video – me painting on iPad, London September 2023
This video of an iPad painting in London is from a surprise trip I took there at the end of September 2023. The YouTube link to watch the Procreate video is at the bottom of the page. Rather than being touristy or madly searching for a King Charles 50p (which I actually just forgot to…
Daily Composition painting, Girl on train, January 2016
This is an example of a Daily Composition painting, in actual paint, as opposed to a more usual pen or pencil sketch. I used to commute daily to the centre of London and this image had stuck in my mind from the week before. It is of a girl all wrapped up for the January…