Storyboards Gallery

These pictures are all storyboarding jobs I have done for various advertising agencies. All are as the Art Director required and done under job conditions.

I trained in traditional media but I find working digitally more flexible for commercial work. All the samples below are done completely in Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq. These days I also use Procreate on an iPad Pro.

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to cycle through the lightbox.

Storyboard from proposed tv advert featuring a family of hedgehogs coming safe through their day

Insurance cover

Storyboard from proposed tv advert featuring a family of hedgehogs proceeding confidently through their day in the knowledge that they are well insured. I’m not sure this one got made…

48-sheet poster rough showing young man who despite being at Oktoberfest is unhappy because he doesn't have his favourite brand of snacks.


Visual for a proposed 48-sheet poster showing showing a young man who despite being surrounded by happy people at Oktoberfest is unhappy because he doesn’t have his favourite brand of snacks..

48-sheet poster rough for proposed Carlsberg advert featuring tropical background with anchored sailing ship.


This visual is Probably for a proposed 48-sheet poster showing a pint of refreshing Carlsberg against a background of a sailing ship anchored in a tropical bay.

Storyboard frame of father-in-law impressing son-in-law by catching pike from boat in lake using actual spoon as lure.


Storyboard frame from a proposed tv advert featuring a father-in-law impressing his son-in-law and showing the wisdom that comes with age by catching a large pike using an actual spoon as a lure. I can’t remember what the product even was, could it have been aged whiskey?

Storyboard frame featuring silhouette of young family playing in park depicting the protective cover of their insurance policy.

Insurance cover

Storyboard frame from a proposed tv advert showing how a young family’s insurance policy covers them through all their lives and lives with them as they go through their day.

Storyboard frame showing top-down split view of restaurant table setting and home table setting.

Restaurant, home

Storyboard visual showing top-down split view of restaurant table setting and home table setting.

48-sheet poster rough of Irish High King Brian Boru celebrating victory with his favourite snack after the Battle of Clontarf. A lone Viking ominously approaches from the left.

Brian Boru

Visual for a proposed 48-sheet poster showing Irish High King Brian Boru celebrating the victory over the Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf with a bag of his favourite snacks. A single Viking warrior approaches ominously from the left…

Storyboard frame of fashion show with male models wearing GAA football and hurling themed beach towels.

GAA fashion show

Storyboard frame from a proposed tv advert depicting a fashion show with male models showing off promotional GAA-themed beach towels.

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